setengah watt bahasa Inggris
- setengah: a half; an a half; and a half; and half; half;
- watt: w; watt; james watt; tideland; watts
- lampu setengah watt: half-watt lamp
- setengah: a half; an a half; and a half; and half; half; semi; half-; semi-; between; part; remnant; other side; side; opposite; halfway; one-half
- james watt: james watt; watt
- jumlah watt: wattage
- pengukur watt: energy meter; wattmeter
- pengukuran watt: watt meter
- tanpa watt: wattless
- setengah setengah: patchy; bumpy; inhomogeneous; patches
- setengah-setengah: some; do things by halves; midway; halfway; vaguely; mistily
- alat pengukur watt: volt-ammeter
- arus tanpa watt: wattless current
- komponen satuan watt: watt component
- komponen tanpa ukuran watt: reactive component; wattless component